Embracing the Outdoors: Technology to get you out the house

There is a common misconception that technology is trapping us in our houses, making us lazier with each new technological advancement. We believe, however, that technology can be harnessed to not only enhance our lives, but that it can (and should!) encourage people to explore the world outside. In recent years there has been a rise of technology that has managed to get all manner of people who have used their screens as a gateway to the great outdoors. Think of apps like Strava, for example, which allow people to record their walks, runs and bike rides, measure their progress and even compete with others that share their interests. These platforms not only promote physical activity and outdoor exploration but also foster a sense of community and camaraderie among users. Haywyre is proud to have been a part of this movement, advocating for the use of technology to enrich lives and content people with the great outdoors. 

The Pokémon Go revolution

Remember the Pokémon Go craze that swept the globe? This augmented reality game not only captured the hearts of millions but also had a massive impact on physical activity and getting people out their homes. Suddenly people who were normally sat at home on a Tuesday night were exploring their neighbourhoods, searching for Pokémon. Not only did the game encourage players to venture outside and explore their surroundings, it also encouraged them to connect with others in the pursuit of catching Pokémon. It is a testament to how technology can break the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, and inspire people to get moving!

Haywyre’s partnership with Making Trails

At Haywyre, we’ve managed to build something even better than Pokémon Go, enhancing community engagement with local areas through our partnership with Making Trails. Tilley Bancroft, director of Making Trails, came up with the brilliant idea of a public art trail for Burton Upon Trent in 2018. We were thrilled when approached to take on the role of developing an interactive app to enhance the trail. Like Pokémon Go, these trails encourage users to get out on the streets of whichever town is hosting, encouraging users to interact with the themed sculptures they encounter en-route. An interactive map leads you round the sculpture trail, with a built-in QR reader allowing you to access more information and rewards as you unlock each sculpture. You can can read more about our partnership here.

The Burton Ale Trail

Another example of Haywyre’s commitment to blending technology with outdoor exploration is the Burton Ale Trail. This trail, steeped in the rich brewing history of Burton, not only got people out of their living rooms but also immersed them in the town’s famous ale culture. Our interactive app served as a digital guide for the Trail, leading users through the streets of Burton to discover quirky, hidden pubs and drink beautiful real ale. As with Making Trails, QR codes make the trail interactive and encourage participation. Read more about the Haywyre’s Ale Trail app here.

Counteracting the sedentary lifestyle

Contrary to the belief that technology promotes a sedentary lifestyle, we want to demonstrate how innovation can serve as a catalyst for outdoor activities. Our interactive apps encourage people to get up, explore and rediscover the beauty of their local (or not so local) surroundings. By blending technology with the great outdoors, we want to prove that screens can be gateways to fresh air, local culture and community interaction.

Got an idea that could get people out and about? Get in touch today.