Computer Based Testing App for Rina, Houston, Texas
Compay Name: RINA USA
Date: Jan 2018
Computer based testing
The brief was to rebrand and improve the RINA Training app for computer based testing in the USA. We added three new API courses which are used by the training centre in Houston, USA. The app runs on Microsoft Surface Pros. The API training courses are designed to used by delegates, who work in the oil industry, to pass exams in engineering inspection.
We were given the opportunity upgrade the RINA’s computer based testing app for the US Market.
Project Brief
The brief was to rebrand and improve RINA Mock Exam App for use by RINA in the USA. We added three new API courses which are used by the training centre on Microsoft Surface Pros. The API training courses are designed to be used by delegates, who work in the oil industry, training for engineering inspection qualifications.

Each of the three courses, within the app, consists of several question sets which are accessed on the Surface Pro. The question format is multiple choice. One question is displayed at a time and the delegate selects the correct answer by simply tapping on the answer. The delegates work through one question set at a time. Once they have completed a question set they submitting the answers via the “Submit” button. All of the delegate’s answers are displayed in the section summary. After all of the candidates had completed the mock exam. The course tutors and users went through the answers discussing any problem questions. As well as giving the delegates the knowledge required to pass their exams, they also gained valuable experience of using a computer to work through multiple choice questions. This gives the delegate technical confidence when taking the API exams which have recently been moved into digital format.
The exam content can be easily updated by uploading updated question sets via csv files.
The training course was considered to be a great success by both the tutors and delegates. The app was easy to use and was beneficial for tutor and candidate alike. We are looking forward to adding further API Courses to the app soon.